Tag: stroke recovery
Free stroke recovery apps to regain movements
This post curates free stroke recovery tools that help to regain movements after a stroke.
How exercise helps the brain in stroke recovery
Exercise helps the brain to recover lost movements. Find out how.
Best practices for caregivers to regain movements after stroke
Follow these six expert recommended best practices for better, faster recovery after a stroke.
Stroke-related bladder problems
An earlier post explored how stroke can disrupt bladder control. This post looks into stroke-associated bladder problems. These problems could occur due to direct damage to the brain areas that control the bladder and bladder gates. Table of contents Post-stroke bladder problems due to disruption to the brain’s bladder control…
Adult diapers, pull-ups, and liners buying guide
Daily, stroke caregivers help stroke survivors wear adult diapers, pull-ups, and liners. They struggle daily if the products do not fit the survivor. We can find a variety of types and brands in the market; you need to spend your precious time and money to search for the most suitable…
Our brain’s post-stroke recovery journey
The damaged brain begins its recovery journey in minutes after stroke. Experts group this into five phases. Find out.
Walking sticks (canes) for stroke patients
As a stroke carer, is your loved one or the client recovering from a stroke in need of a walking stick? Finding a perfect walking stick for some stroke patients is essential to regain walking ability. Walking sticks (canes) benefit some stroke patients in many ways. This post will help…
Brain’s blood supply and stroke
brain’s blood flow
Homunculus on our brain surface
“Homunculus” refers to a small human or a “humanoid” creature. Do we have it on our brain surface? Yes, we can find a homunculus (figuratively) as a map in our brain. Not just one, in fact, we have “two little humanoids”!. This is the story behind this amazing discovery. In…
Please be advised that all the information in this resource is for information purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice.