The infographic shows two sitting in front of a table with yellow background.
Posted in movement recovery after a stroke

Games like card play help arm/hand stroke recovery

This is great news! Playing cards, dominos, bingo, Jenga, and ball games will help  to regain arm and hand recovery. There is another important finding here; its gains are similar to the gains from virtual reality games. In other words, if you live in low-resourced settings it does not really…

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Posted in movement recovery after a stroke stroke basics

How exercise helps the brain in stroke recovery

Exercise helps the brain to recover lost movements. Find out how.

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a human walking in the middle surrounded by six basic rules of movement recovery
Posted in movement recovery after a stroke

Follow these guides to regain walking after a stroke

Follow these guides to help the brain to recover walking faster and better.

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Posted in Bladder control

Best practices for caregivers to regain bladder control after a stroke

This post deal with how to manage incontinence problems of stroke patients.

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light brown color half-opened door
Posted in Bladder control

How a stroke causes urine incontinence

Stroke often causes urine incontinence. A good understanding of it help caregivers manage this difficult problem.

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a hospital bed
Posted in personal care after stroke stroke rehabilitation

Bedsores (pressure injuries) after stroke

Bedsores after stroke is a serious problem. With proper knowledge and care, it can be avoided.

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Posted in Communication recovery

A free screen reader for the visually impaired

A stroke may either weaken vision or completely shut it off. And, those who are aged may have lower vision due to age. This is another barrier to improve communication of the stroke survivors as well as those already visually impaired. Because of this, they are unable to socialize with…

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a staircase
Posted in movement recovery after a stroke stroke rehabilitation

What does stroke rehabilitation mean?

This post discusses the concept of stroke rehabilitation. This is where stroke carers have a big role to play. Here, we discuss when the stroke rehabilitation begins, what aspects it includes, and the current expert recommendations. What is stroke rehabilitation? It has three goals: When and how the stroke rehabilitation…

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a hospital bed
Posted in movement recovery after a stroke

Avoid prolonged bed rest for faster stroke recovery

Detrimental effects of prolonged bed rest are many. Find out what researchers say.

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Posted in movement recovery after a stroke stroke rehabilitation

Movement recovery resources for stroke survivors

Resources Canadian best practices guidelines If you have more guidelines, manuals, and other resources related to exercises for stroke, please send us. Clinicians’ handbook US resources E-learning resources

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