Tag: post-stroke exercises
Free stroke recovery apps to regain movements
This post curates free stroke recovery tools that help to regain movements after a stroke.
Games like card play help arm/hand stroke recovery
This is great news! Playing cards, dominos, bingo, Jenga, and ball games will help to regain arm and hand recovery. There is another important finding here; its gains are similar to the gains from virtual reality games. In other words, if you live in low-resourced settings it does not really…
How exercise helps the brain in stroke recovery
Exercise helps the brain to recover lost movements. Find out how.
Follow these guides to regain walking after a stroke
Follow these guides to help the brain to recover walking faster and better.
Best practices for caregivers to regain movements after stroke
Follow these six expert recommended best practices for better, faster recovery after a stroke.
Movement recovery resources for stroke survivors
Resources Canadian best practices guidelines If you have more guidelines, manuals, and other resources related to exercises for stroke, please send us. Clinicians’ handbook US resources E-learning resources
Aerobic exercises necessary for better stroke recovery
In your post-stroke recovery journey, experts say to blend cardio exercises with muscle strength exercises
Walking sticks (canes) for stroke patients
As a stroke carer, is your loved one or the client recovering from a stroke in need of a walking stick? Finding a perfect walking stick for some stroke patients is essential to regain walking ability. Walking sticks (canes) benefit some stroke patients in many ways. This post will help…
Please be advised that all the information in this resource is for information purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice.