On this page, you can find evidence-informed posts about how caregivers can help stroke survivors regain movements as much as possible.
Six basic rules to regain movements after a stroke
This post summarizes expert recommendations into six basic rules to regain lost movements after a stroke.
How to recover arm & hand movements after a stroke
This post discusses applying the six basic rules in your efforts to help stroke survivors recover arm and hand movements after a stroke.
Best practices to recover walking ability
This post reviews the recommendations about how to apply basic rules to recover walking ability after a stroke.
Games like card play help improve hand/arm recovery.
Playing cards, dominos, bingo, Jenga, and ball games contribute to arm and hand recovery after a stroke in addition to your standard physio and occupational therapy program.
Research advances on exercise after stroke
This post summarises the recent research advances on exercise after stroke.
The left image source: Wikimedia Commons; Author: Garry Show, under the license of Creative Commons CC BY SA 3.0.