Declutter your home

Stroke survivors are at higher risk of falling.  One US study reported at least seven out of ten of them reported a fall in the month prior

Such falls can make them a heavy tall. Falls can cause hip fracture and head injuries. The hip fracture risk is higher among them due to increasing  osteoporosis at the weaker side. 

    Why fall risk is higher among stroke patients?

Some reasons directly relate to the the stroke. It includes body and limb weakness, imbalance, and coordination problems.

Indoor environment can also increase the fall risk as well. Poor lighting, inability to reach out to needy objects are some.

One often underestimated household risk factor is the indoor tripping hazards.

A cluttered home!

However, some studies show the fall risk associated with cluttered home does not significantly vary between stroke patients and  others.

Potential tripping hazrds at home:

  • slippery floors,
  • Poor lighting,
  • loose rugs,
  • unstable furniture,
  • Obstructed pathways
  • Absence of handrails
  • uneven floors

However vision problems, balance/gait problems and cognitive impairment also increase the fall risk.

what to do:

Home enviornment, both inside and outside, increase the fall risk further for stroke survivors. Indoor falls occur due to loose carpets and poor lighting.

Stroke carers need to give special attention the home enviorenment to minimise the fall risk.

Fall risk:

Factors that increase the fall risk:

  • Uneven side walks
  • Side walk obstacles
  • Loose carpets
  • Poor lighting


Author: Ed Jerard

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