chase the golden hour
Posted in emergency stroke care

What is the “golden hour” of a stroke?

Imagine the following trail of events: You start to observe or more F.A.S.T. stroke symptoms and signs in a person; you call an ambulance; emergency responders arrive at the scene; they determine of a stroke; they rush the person to a stroke unit; the person is treated with a blot…

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recovery attempts of the brain
Posted in journeys to the brain stroke basics

Understand different stroke types

In a “stroke”, neurons die as a result of sudden stop of receiving oxygen and nutrients due to a block in a supply route (artery) or a blast (rupture) in a supply route. Experts classify these into different types of strokes; The block to a supply route occurs due to…

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The right side of the human face in yellow colour and red color blood supply routes to the bain.
Posted in journeys to the brain stroke basics

Brain’s blood supply and stroke

brain’s blood flow

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cropped brain surface
Posted in journeys to the brain movement recovery after a stroke stroke basics

Homunculus on our brain surface

“Homunculus” refers to a small human or a “humanoid” creature. Do we have it on our brain surface? Yes, we can find a homunculus (figuratively) as a map in our brain. Not just one, in fact, we have “two little humanoids”!. This is the story behind this amazing discovery. In…

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Posted in journeys to the brain stroke basics

A walk on the brain surface for stroke caregivers

Knowledge about the brain surface will inspire stroke caregivers to make better decisions.

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grey colored half-oval structure depicting the brain
Posted in journeys to the brain stroke basics

How meninges protect the brain

brain covers carry out important job lying in-between the bony skull and the pliable brain

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