Author: Ed Jerard
Urine absorbent products for incontinence
Caregivers use diapers, pull-ups, inserts to manage urine incontinence.
Our brain’s post-stroke recovery journey
The damaged brain begins its recovery journey in minutes after stroke. Experts group this into five phases. Find out.
Cochrane reviews on urine incontinence research
Cochrane reviews about urine incontinence
How stroke causes speech problems
Stroke can cause unique speech problems; two common ones include Broca’s aphasia and Wernike’s aphasia. This post explores those two and how stroke creates them. Let us begin with Broca’s aphasia. Broca’s aphasia This type of speech problem occurs due to a stroke attack in Broca’s area. Where is it…
An illustrated neuron graphic
The neuron forest
“Neuron” by NIH-NCATS is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Our brain contains about 100 billion neurons; it looks like a neuron forest. because a neuron is more or less similar to a tree. Neurons are a special kind of cell. At one end, it sprouts a large number of very thin short threads –…
Clot removal effective even six hours after stroke
It is good news; until 2018, we knew that neurosurgeons can salvage living neurons only if they remove the clot within six hours of the block. Now, we know it is not so. They can go ahead with the operation if a patient is ready for the surgery even after…
Do you know about the clot-busting drug?
American Heart and Stroke Associations promote use of tPA although not all emergency physicians do not adhere to the practice.
Walking sticks (canes) for stroke patients
As a stroke carer, is your loved one or the client recovering from a stroke in need of a walking stick? Finding a perfect walking stick for some stroke patients is essential to regain walking ability. Walking sticks (canes) benefit some stroke patients in many ways. This post will help…
Please be advised that all the information in this resource is for information purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice.