Posted in movement recovery after a stroke stroke rehabilitation

Movement recovery resources for stroke survivors

Resources Canadian best practices guidelines If you have more guidelines, manuals, and other resources related to exercises for stroke, please send us. Clinicians’ handbook US resources E-learning resources

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Posted in stroke prevention

Measuring blood pressure by yourself matters in stroke prevention

The American Heart Association and the American Medical Association promotes measuring our blood pressure at home.

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Posted in stroke prevention

Workplace wellness programs in stroke prevention

Workplace wellness programs not only detect those at risk of getting a stroke and coronary heart disease but prevent occurrence also. Overall, these interventions promote general well-being. As a general measure, the strategy is one of the cost-effective interventions of health promotion. How? Employees spend most of their time in…

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Posted in movement recovery after a stroke

Aerobic exercises necessary for better stroke recovery

In your post-stroke recovery journey, experts say to blend cardio exercises with muscle strength exercises

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recovery attempts of the brain
Posted in stroke basics

Learning resources for stroke carers

Hyperbrain This resource contains an excellent collection of learning materials from the University of Utah and the products are licensed under creative commons. Stroke prevention This European website provides a comprehensive list of resources to prevent stroke re-occurrence and promote a healthier lifestyle. I will be adding more resources with…

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Posted in Uncategorized

World Stroke Organization on Stroke and Dementia

In June 2020, The Lancet Neurology published a very important Declaration proclaimed by the World Stroke Organization (WSO) on stroke and dementia. The WSO predicts that by 2050, about 200 million stroke survivors will be in the world. And because of the close link between stroke and dementia, we could…

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hand on magenta color background
Posted in Communication recovery

Cboard for speech impairment

Cboard is a free app for anyone who can use it for speech impairment. This is great news for the caregivers of those with speech and language difficulties. This is how it works: do they need something to tell? such as I need water. they see the visual, click it,…

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Posted in Communication recovery

Create your own communication tool

Communication is one of the biggest barriers when dealing with an individual with a stroke. Some can understand very well but are unable to express their needs and wants. In that situation, not only the affected but their caregivers too make frustrated immensely. How can make this situation improve? I…

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Cochrane review on interventions for urinary incontinence after a stroke
Posted in Bladder control

More research on stroke patients’ bladder control needed

Bladder control research among stroke survivors is urgently needed.

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Seek emergency care within the first hour of symptom onset
Posted in emergency stroke care

Loved ones may delay emergency care for stroke patients

seek emergency care within the first hour of symptom onset

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